Where and How to store Christmas Decorations

Where and how to store Christmas decorations. A post right in time for Three King’s Day post which you will start packing up your Christmas decorations, unless ofcourse, you already have. And I have to agree that while bringing it all out is fun, packing them is both mentally and physically saddening. I mean who […]

On Budget and brilliant- How to make a faux Ficus tree at 1/10th of the cost

If you are a blogland or design land regular, you are surely to have come across those beautiful, single stem tall trees in large earthenware planters or white wicker baskets with large canopy of leaves, adding life and vitality to the space they are in. I saw it first on Pinterest and instagram and they […]

Classic, fresh homedecor ideas that will go way past winter

Fresh, clean, cozy and absolute classic home decor ideas and inspirations that will go way past winter! As a matter of fact, I’d go as far as to say that this guide will find relevance for years to come- through seasons and good part is none of it is earth-shatteringly trendy. You don’t have to […]

What to gift people who love to entertain? This!

What to gift people who love to entertain? The ones who love to cook and make cocktails and have a bit of a herb garden going? You know, the kind whom we always bank on for the best parties in town? Well, I have got you covered. Whether one of them is getting hitched or […]

Cultivating Comfort- How to create a home that nurtures and heals you

Our home is the most critical facet of our wellbeing, and I felt that ever so strongly when I was down with covid for a week last week. Sure I blog about homedecor and how to make your home look aesthetically sound but truth is, there is more to it than just good looks. Beautiful […]

DIY Tea Tin Floral Arrangement

Tea, Tea tins and Tea tin floral arrangement: this is the happy topic of our discussion today & this is exactly the kind of things I like to write about. I mean who wouldn’t love to sip on to some amazing gourmet tea, get an adorable tea tin as bonus, make a cutesy floral arrangement […]

Christmas Home Shoot With ASUS Zenfone Laser 2

Christmas is almost here! Wow! And I thought November is too early to start decorating for Christmas. I meant to do a Christmas home tour but thanks to this thing called “where did time go” that I haven’t been able to get to primp up my bedroom at all. I have a window of about […]

Trumatter Asian Paints Caribbean Sky Chair Makeover

Morning ladies. Howzitgoin? Gave an old, battered chair a Monica Belluci of a makeover with Asian Paints Caribbean Sky and the change is happily irreversible. If you did not get the joke, you deserve to see Spectre. That is also one of the worst Bond movies I have ever, ever laid my eyes on. But […]

Trumatter’s Happy Diwali Home

Happy Diwali from the trumatter clan. You know, I was wondering what to write as the headline of this post when I remembered how a lot of people tell “aaj uska happy birthday hai” {today is his/her happy birthday}. It’s damn funny and too great an inspiration to not use in Trumatter- a place where […]

Give Diwali Lights a Twist By Turning Them Into A Chandelier

“I’m gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier I’m gonna live like tomorrow doesn’t exist Like it doesn’t exist” Well, maybe not so rad but I am definitely standing under my chandelier and thinking of good times. Hello and welcome to reading your’s truly and we have a DIY Chandelier tutorial here. Hop on […]

Recycled DIY Chair under $8 or 500 Rupees

Yes! This is officially the longest time I have stayed away from my blog and trust me it doesn’t feel right. But I have not been a total corporate a** because while I was ferociously defending a dumb theory that might spoil my ORM strategy, I have also picked up a couple of chairs from […]

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