Home should always feel like a warm hug

Hello there! I’m Rukmini, and Trumatter is my little corner of the internet, where I share all things cozy and comforting for you and your home. It’s been a whirlwind, with thirteen awards and magazine features galore, but I still feel like we’re just getting started, bubbling away with new ideas like a pot of simmering soup.

I live in a charming little rental apartment, and I absolutely adore it. It’s like my own personal canvas, where I get to experiment with different decor ideas and share them with you. Think of it as a treasure trove of tips and tricks, from playful wallpaper techniques to using everyday objects like postcards to create dreamy spaces.

Whether you’re a seasoned home decorator or just starting out, Trumatter has something for everyone. We feature amazing brands from India and around the world, keeping you updated on the latest trends in interior design, style, and more…like having your own personal style guide, whispering sweet nothings about timeless designs in the decor world.

Now, everything you see here is lovingly crafted by me, a one-woman show with a passion for creating beautiful spaces. It’s a lot of work, but I wouldn’t trade it for a slice of warm apple pie. When life permits, I also share easy recipes, gardening tips, and even my love for thrifting furniture on the blog.

So, come on in, explore, and make yourself at home. Trumatter is where I pour my heart out, and I hope you love reading it as much as I love creating it.

With warmest wishes, Rukmini

21 thoughts on “About”

  1. Wow we do have alot in common! I am glad to find your blog, I will be following you as well. One other major thing we have in common is how you said your mothers decor inspires you. My mother and my decorating are very much alike too.

    1. Okay! Now, its tickmark time. I cant believe we have so much in common!!!! From the bottom of my heart: GLAD to have found your blog.
      My decor style is purely an extension of hers and she is one of my best buddies, like yours. I think it has something to do with closeness. The closer you are to a person, the more you tend to be like that particular person- whether in thoughts, action, moral or style. For us it is definitely our mothers.

  2. Hi Rukmini,

    I came across your blog through Janice’s Postcardsfromthewildwood. I connect to your creative moods , though am not much of a doer like you. My blog is http://www.ovbt.blogspot.com , if you would be kind enough to visit my blog, I would really appreciate it. Also I live in Kandivali. I would be glad if I could catch up with you.

    1. Hi Shivani…am off to your blog now. And yes. I am game to catch up any time 🙂 Im happy you connect with me. It’s hard to find people who connect to you, you see.

  3. Hey Rukmini,

    When and where can we meet.?… please email me… am not very net savvy.. so I dunno if this is the right place to write down my mobile number. But you do have my email id, so pls tell me on which account should I send you my details. Looking forward earnestly on meeting you. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Hi Shivani,
      Thank you so much for writing back. Well, I wanted to ask whether there is a particular reason why you’d like to meet me. You can discuss it over email as well. Or write it here as well. If its simply catching up, lemme check back on my schedule. Im sure one of the days we can make it happen.

  4. You know? I don’t think I read this before! What’s wrong with me? It’s beautifully stated Rukmini and I love you just from your profile letter….okay, I already loved you! hahaha! I already knew lots of that stuff too, but it was so well put together!
    xo wendy

  5. Hi Rukmini! Thank you so much for visiting on my blog! Now I finally manage to get to yours, and first thing I read your story and am very happy and touched by how you managed to find out your own way of living. It’s a story of courage and honesty towards yourself. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    1. Kath! Where was this comment? God! So glad you stopped by and that the fact that I visited my own profile page today. Have a funny little great weekend.

  6. Two comments in one day from a woman (me) who seldom comments on blogs, but I read your story and felt happy. I admire that you chose to do the things you love and the rest fell into place. My very best wishes for your continued happiness.

    1. I am honored!
      Yes, I did take that big leap of faith and I am thankful to everyone who supported me to be where I am today. Its not big what I am doing, I am an editor for a knowledge sharing firm, but to me, it means a lot. Within, I am content. What else do we really want? 😀
      Do you blog? I’d love to have a glimpse of it if you do.


  7. Hi
    I luuurve your blog and its so refreshing to look at your pictures and your DIY projects. I lenjoy creating and its fun to meet fellow creators who find inspirations and beauty in the mundane everyday life. will be dropping here often!

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