It is September. I am thinking with ardor about pumpkin spice, garam masala, good roasts, classics to watch, moody rusts and olives, and pumpkins. Oh yes. PUMPKINS. Lots of them. Lined on my shelf and possibly everywhere. If I could find pumpkin printed socks I would buy them at this point. I make coffee with a sprinkling of cinnamon, enjoying every bit of the infamousness I have so rightfully acquired for unnecessarily filling the house up with pumpkins and apples. I am scoffing ever so gently because what is a bit of hatred in front of a fervid fan of autumn?

And thus begins fall. Officially. In my house. With resilience. Much before the autumnal equinox.

But I get it. Bhoplayachi bhaji is amazing on your plate but bhopla on your shelves?

Although I have explicitly talked about fall in my posts earlier, I am going to quote Collin Nissan for this once and forever understanding between, you, the reader and I:

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get my hands on some fucking gourds and arrange them in a horn-shaped basket on my dining room table. That shit is going to look so seasonal. I’m about to head up to the attic right now to find that wicker fucker, dust it off, and jam it with an insanely ornate assortment of shellacked vegetables…

…I may even throw some multi-colored leaves into the mix, all haphazard like a crisp October breeze just blew through and fucked that shit up. Then I’m going to get to work on making a beautiful fucking gourd necklace for myself. People are going to be like, “Aren’t those gourds straining your neck?” And I’m just going to thread another gourd onto my necklace without breaking their gaze and quietly reply, “It’s fall, fuckfaces. You’re either ready to reap this freaky-assed harvest or you’re not.”

by COLIN NISSAN, Oct 9, 2009, published in Mc SWEENY’s

So are we good?

The article is hilarious. Later, The Guardian did a fabulous article about fall and why do we love it so much and how its creeped on in from the fringe to the heart of main stream. But the article also encapsulates why we love fall so much. According to researchers, fall evokes intense feelings. Intense and often ambiguous. Personally, I think it fills me with sheer nostalgia. There is a strain of beautiful melancholia, then there is also a sense of hope…perhaps because our festive season aligns with fall, it brings back many a good memory, smell of shawls, food and spending time with family. It is truly a very hyggeligt time. This is also the time for harvest so a lot of new vegetables peek in our kitchen!

Not pumpkin though. Personally, I don’t have any memory of pumpkin patches or pumpkins around this time of the year but I just love how they fill the house with orange hues which is so evocative of fall and harvest. I think Pumpkins are a rather American and European phenomena but I love it, so I do it every year. So much so that now fall in my house is synonymous to a pumpkin shelfie.

Ostentatious. Outrageous. Deal with it!

Anyway, here are the links to the pumpkins. This blog is the hurried reader’s nightmare.

The fabric pumpkins are from The Gruham and the faux foam pumpkins are from Amazon. Both are linked here.

The pumpkin globes are from TheDecorKart- I got two versions, one with pumpkin steam, one without. Find the pumpkin with stem lantern here and here is the one without stem

The cream and orange pumpkins are by Curiosity by Lidwin and the white clay pumpkins are DIY and you can see the tutorial here below!

And that brings us to the end of our saga, and I am so not sorry to have written a few extra words! Haha, ciao! Oh, and happy weekend to you.

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