February! Already! Seriously, are we rushing full steam or are we rushing full steam this year given the fact that it’s only yesterday that I was dangling my feet from my sister in law’s 13th floor balcony drinking whiskey outta stomach seeing the gorgeous fireworks. That was also the time I played Dumb Charades for the first time and had to explain “Hum teen khuraphatti”. No way I was going to succeed but anyway! We are in February already and I think it’s a great month to live with love. Also, the end of February doesn’t mark the end of it all! This is just the beginning of a great habit.

So how do you live everyday ‘With Love’?

I think if we summarize, there are 5 easy ways to do this and it’s not that difficult.

First, set good intentions with Love. They create such a great positive ripple in your life. Wake up and set a simple intention of achieving one goal and see it sets the tone of your day. It’s lovely.

Second, do small things with great Love: Trust me! No matter what you do this February, just do it with love. You have a set of dishes to clean? Will fretting over this help? Nope. You don’t like to go to vegetable shopping? you can always outsource but remember this technology is making us lazy. How about a nice walk, a cup of coffee and veggie shopping? That’ll not be all that bad. Just love the everyday and see how immense joy you get out of it. It’s addictive.

Third, Love yourself. Need a soak? Go do it. Don’t have time? How about you prioritize yourself a little? Get that hair colour and cut if you want, the coffee you like, the song you want to listen to. When you are happy yourself, you can share it with others. I have scorned myself for who I am for the longest time. I am always overweight and I always blamed my genes which is not even the case. Thing is I had to love myself to work out and also to tel myself that whoever I am, I am fine. So go do that.

Fourth, love your mind. Meditate. I know you’ll be like Rukmini, like what the hell, I cannot close my eyes for two minutes and I don’t even think it’s necessary. Honestly, to each is own but if you can, DO IT. Purposeful living starts with a calm mind and a calm mind can do wonders. It’ll creatively help you, it’ll put those 10000000 thoughts to rest, will help you breathe and you will be present in the moment. I would have collapsed if it wasn’t for everyday meditation. Please Love your mind

Fifth, Love the earth you belong to. And you can do this so, so easily. Live plastic free or atleast minimize plastic, reuse the ones you already have, start a garden so it can help you in self sustenance, choose organic and grow, segregate wastes and turn it to compost. I do. Also, I will never buy another plastic Christmas tree.

It’s the month of Love and we are celebrating. Join the wagon? Hop on in?



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