Goodmorning people! How shocked are you to see a fashion post from trumatter? One that involves a little beachy-casual dressing for the weekend? It was so much fun putting my extreme lack of fashion sense to test, but I think I’m doing well with a light blue straight fit denim, a cotton shirt, my favorite grey tank, a beige scarf and a bit of funky silver.
It’s the Trumatter you have been knowing, travelling to Goa for an exclusive Blogger’s meet to check out the new TATA car: TataZest. Thought I’d show you how to wear jeans 3 ways (haha, it’s just one way) and a bit of accessory love thrown in from the girl who never does fashion. I mean come on, in this household, we sport PJs with ease and dress that up with a good top or two to push it as a funky pant. Whom are we kidding.
I recently had a conversation with a bloggy friend of mine who is totally into fashion and an amazing blogger too: she told me Goa is not for mommy jeans. Honestly, I think similarly too and did try to sport some dresses. But thing is mommy jeans has seeped in to my genes and that’s the only thing I am ever comfortable in. So here’s my pick for what to wear when you are miserable with fashion.
Dressing up the same jeans with a white cotton top, a touch of black and gold, for the evening. A friend gave me this necklace and I hold it very dear. Also, would you believe if I told you that I packed all of this, now? Like right now.
And I have exactly 30 more minutes to go and get dressed and reach the airport to fly to Goa. I’m simply pushing it with this blog. Absolutely pushing it. To top, its raining like crazy today here in Mumbai and I see so many missing flights. Jesus Christ, me and paranoia are best friends specially when it comes to travelling. I always have this eerie feeling that I am gonna miss my flight, my train, my bus. To live with Paranoia I tell you…
Day 2- morning, i choose to add in a bit of floral for the love of Goa. A ‘kameez’ or ‘kurti’, same jeans, a turquoise ring, Darjeeling stone pendant, gold and black sandals.
I don’t know how stylish these ensembles are or if I accidentally put together major fashion flaws but hey, that’s me. This is more power to a casual beachy fashion where you sport mommy jeans with super style and tell that’s the rage 😉
What do you think?
Toodles and you have a lovely saturday.
P.S: Check our instagram and our twitter page for live updates.
Superb post Rukhmini! I love how you have focused on details…and also featured the designer here 🙂 Btw Shilpa was my batch mate in design school 🙂
Thank you 🙂 and oh…was she? It was great talking to her. Never focused on car interiors before. Just came back from your blog sid…lovely photos and post. 🙂