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Trumatter One Bowl Cake recipe: Lemon & Honey Tea cake

Well, it all started with a plan of making banana bread and all that came out of the oven is this! Ye, ye, I know that the two names kind of don’t sound like they can be made from the same ingredient or even rescued to form the other but this is what happened. Listen to this. A series of tragedy.

Unusual disappearance of the banana shop 

I don’t know how familiar are you with vendors but we are. We have a small fruit market 2 blocks away from my home and I love to pick my fruits from here as these are locally grown, are fresh and cheaper than it’s mall version. Strangely enough, when I was brimming with the thought of making banana bread, I found the banana vendor is missing. There are apples, pomes, grapefruit- oh, ask and you shall receive but bananas. What? No bananas in India? Here everyone go bananas. Disappointment begins.

Holy s**t, nature’s gone perfectionist. Not a banana to be found black n bruised 

How often do you come across a fruit market where there are no old n bruised bananas? Often. Wrong. Never. Finally after walking a zillion mile when I found a fruit shop with some bananas, the shopkeeper happily showed me how tight and edible and fresh those bananas are and that they would stay for atleast 7 days. Yeah, thanks. Just what I needed. Fly, you fool.

Walnuts: What nuts? You nuts?

Shame be upon me that I forgot the local word for walnuts. Result: I was explaining walnuts to the local grocery shopkeeper in a manner that almost crossed the line of vulgarity. “AKHROT”. If you are ever in India and want walnuts in a small grocery shop, incase the mall’s far away and the nearest supermarket is closed, that’s what you ask for. Oh please! I mean small grocery shop. Rest of India knows what a walnut is, so don’t get wrong ideas.

Mood swings: Eff it. I am going straight home

For all those who think I am a very sweet girl, thank you 🙂 I am. But that does not change the fact that I am also very easily irritated, I get bored very easily and worst, I have temper. So, after all this, you can imagine why I decided to head straight home.

When life hands you lemons

Disgusted, irritated and everything you can associate with sheer disappointment, I went home and poured myself some water over ice and decided to add a slice of lemon. And no sooner did I have a sip, than the citrus goodness worked on me. Eureka moment: What if no banana bread with tea as visualized. How about some lemon and honey teacakes!!! Move aside you bananas, you can go be happy with your monkeys ‘coz I’m indulging myself into some pulp affection.

Here’s the ingredients

Self rising Flour: 1 cup

Lemon Juice: 1 large

Lemon Rind, grated: 1/2 teaspoon

lemon essence: 1/2 teaspoon

Honey: 2 tbsp

Castor Sugar: 2/3rd cup

Eggs: 2 large

Vanilla extract: 1/2 teaspoon

Salt: 1/4 th teaspoon

Mix the wet ingredients first with sugar, slump the flour followed by salt and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the top is browned.

Enjoy with a cup of rich coffee and get so over ecstatic that the only time you want to take one good photograph of yourself, you end up striking a funny pose and also blur them. Here is an example of course!

Have a great weekend!

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