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Rum Cake with Fudge filling and Rum Glaze

I have been doing a lot of baking lately- this ine shouldn’t even become a post, I am sure you guys are pretty bored of my cakes now! I am not going to put a recipe or anything here, just a couple of photographs- again from the 50mm.

It’s Rohan’s mom’s birthday today and she specifically asked for a Rum cake. I had to oblidge~ Can you believe I’ll have to wait till midnight today to get a taste of it? Blech and Double Blech :-/

Anyway, if anyone’s interested in the recipe- write to me and I shall post it. This is simple stuff- you all know how to do it. I dont want to uselessly cram the internet with things that are there already.

Toodles~That’ll be all from Trumatter~A great post with an abrupt end.

By the way, did anyone see the link called 26 instagram photos the world can live without? It’s hilarious. i-phone ladies with a pout to share must be so busted. Check it out here: Very sheldon cooper!

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