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Trumatter Diwali Post No#1 How To Use Diwali Lights Differently

Hello! Do you remember me? I am Rukmini. I blog at Trumatter. We have a Diwali post. Oh, no no, I am alive. I am very alive and kicking just that this blog has now so many people loving it and so many people want Rukmini to blog at theirs that poor Trumatter is now totally left to bask in its past glory. But you know what? Like your first born- who must have grown up and do not need tending to but your hearts always with him- trumatter is where my heart is. There is nothing in the world I love more than my blogspace and it’s a treat to be back in here; writing down things I did not plan before or decide topics for. This is home, and we have a sweet little Diwali goin on here!

Hi Res Wall Mirroe

I love fairy lights. I love them all over my home and I am not shy from flaunting them indoors at all. We have this ornate mirror in the living room which I thought would be perfect to add some lights on. To be honest, I did not want a very traditional Diwali decor. I wanted to highlight this amazing festival with a laidback-luxe meets country style touch and methinks its looking quite how I wanted it to look. Yay!

Curtain Lights

Hung some pretty fairy lights under the sheers too. I am a huge yes for dreamy, diffused lighting, and I love the effect fairy lights give when hung behind sheers. Milky, dreamy, diffused and oh-so-romantic.

This Diwali, I am also thinking of getting in colored swing top bottles and stuffing a couple of battery operated lights in them. Keep them in the aisle or lined up in the balcony, where my hammock is. Should be good. No?

And ofcourse, how can there be Diwali without a little canopy of light over your day bed. A girl needs her inspirations right beside her bed, as she sips tea. Otherwise the ideas don’t flow ya’ll know?


I am yet to change the sheets and re-do and foof and fluff the pillows a bit {think country style and laid back} get in 20″ x 20″ throw pillows and arrange a bit of Diwali inspired centerpiece too. Oh and I am also yet to add lantern to the balconies, get in flowers near my hammock and give mishtuk {my rabbit} a spa but its getting there. Over the next few days, you’ll see a lot of me {hopefully} and how we celebrate Diwali here in India.

Let there be light then!

Goodbye for now Trumatter Loyals. Signing off xo


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