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A New Study Table & Tips To Create The Perfect Workstation

Study table. Hah! You won’t believe this but if there is one thing I wanted beyond years, it’s a good study table or a workstation. I’ve worked for decades crooning my neck on my bed on a tiny breakfast table {and it’s comfy and all, alright but definitely not good for you in the long run} but to have your own workstation is a different thing yeah? Like dedicated bro! That’s where your ideas are trained to flow, that’s where they usually find you…you know…all those fantasies so closely attached to a writer’s life etcetera…
So, I went ahead and got myself when UrbanLadder so kindly sent me a sweet little study to experience, I lapped up the opportunity to make it mine. And I think this right now is my favourite place on earth.

So if you want to know about study tables, how to position your study table for maximum creativity {this is major faff because I’ll say place by the window 😉 Haha, shall we call it the TruShui?} and how to decorate it to make it both functional and aesthetically appealing, hop along.

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Seriously though, since the time I got my hands on this study table, I have been spending a whole lot of time in here. You know, I also felt that it’s not just a raised surface that helps you sit straight so your posture is right. It’s also the convenience. What one doesn’t realize is that a study table conveniently decreases the proximity of things one generally needs to get things done. For example? The datacable, your cup of coffee, the coffee machine, stationery, a permanent place for your SD card so you don’t keep losing it, the washi tapes, the pins, blahs and blues…A study table sorts a looooot of things.


Oh, and soon after placing it in my hall, I decided to move it around to my window, because well- TruShui! Love to watch clouds from in here and tell people I am busy. Just about perfect!

And now to How to create the perfect workstation or study table

Find the perfect spot. I often hear “oh, I don’t have enough place to set up a study table” or that the places aren’t inspiring enough- listen up! If you want, you can. Use up a window space, a corner that you might have, a sliver of space by the hallway or even turn a closet into your study! Space is never a constraint. And if you don’t have space to spare on your floor, use up a wall and fix a wall mount table. Grab a chair and voila! See, this is what I mean!


Functional Bits

Make sure, its functional and not just aesthetically beautiful. You might not want to crowd your study table as it would make less space available for you to actually work. This is where a simple study table with simple, straight, minimalist storage option helps. Loving my study table and it’s tall storage. I can group things as and how it offers ample place to do the same.

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When it comes to our study table, we all like a dose of green. However, you might not want to use plants on your desk that are too invasive or large- unless you have a huge study. Add plants in tiny planters and group them with your books or frames in shelves. Succulents and ferns work very well as desk plants. Oh and you can also use lemon plants- it also smell amazing! For an ornate, wooden study table, try a small Bonsai with tangerine or bougainvillea. The colours will complement each other.

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Decor and study table essentials

If you like reminders like I do, you have a plethora of alternatives to the boring green softboard. How about a whiteboard framed in a vintage carved frame? Or maybe use an old window shutter to hold your to-dos? Fix an old chicken wire and add your reminder cards with wooden clips or attach a small macrame plant holders and stuff everything in there. The options are countless!

For storing your craft essentials, get in little wicker baskets that look very very sweet. The linen ones even allow you to tie the


For your study, choose a lamp that’s not very cumbersome and offers soft, warm, bright light. You could add an on table lamp as I have chosen or choose free standing ones that fall over your desk. But make sure the light’s bright but not too bright to harm your eyes.



Now this bit, is very very important- perhaps more than the study table itself. Please invest in a chair that’s comfortable and makes you feel good. It should not give you a backache or it’s not sustainable.

stdy table

And now, if you will allow me, I will get my derriere up from this place and get some work done. Haha, now that’s a huge disadvantage of having a fabulous study table. It won’t let you go anywhere or let you do anything at all, which in my case fits just about perfectly!

If you have any more queries about how to set-up, remodel, makeover study tables do write to me.

Oh and thank you UrbanLadder for this. I love Philip 😉


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