Yes! This is officially the longest time I have stayed away from my blog and trust me it doesn’t feel right. But I have not been a total corporate a** because while I was ferociously defending a dumb theory that might spoil my ORM strategy, I have also picked up a couple of chairs from the nearby second hand shops and have been successful in giving one {atleast} a decent makeover. Hop along..hop along..
You know I think I will- keeping with my blog’s USP-take a bit of detour. I promise it won’t be long, and I promise it will fill you with joy if you are a blogger like myself. So, you know, I have been quite sick and all and my head could barely turn around to a snazzy copy. I had been advised to head home by my really, really nice reporting head and as I lied on my bed this afternoon, I tried to think of things that I could do to cheer me up. I thought of watching a movie- dark places, highly recommended by my bro in law who tracks finance and is the associate editor for Forbes, and who’se reccos we pay heed to. Which I will do after I am done blogging this piece. Then, I thought of getting the cook to whip up some comfort food for moi and the husband, who I think is falling sick. But do you know what is that first thing that came into my mind? That I’ll do something relaxing, I can give myself that luxury to probably write something meaningful- one which I can write like a free soul without being governed by substandard-ness. In short, all I really wanted to do this evening with a tearing apart head, half a face numb, a sensitive body and tremendous irritation is BLOG. Yeah, this is when you know you like something.
By the way, did I tell you that Google denied my application to run ads in it? You know what? I am not unhappy at all. I put so much into this space that this ranking is really beyond me. It’s true that when your website doesn’t rank it merely gets any visibility but hey we have come this far without any SEO, SEM, SMO trick at all. I really, really think that if your content is good, when you pour your heart into something it finds it audience. Small, perhaps but people who are actively looking for it- and that is the kind of audience you eventually want to reach out to. So it’s all working out fabulous 😀
And now {oh, how predictable} I shall slowly take you to the makeover world.
Throwback to a couple of Sundays and I had entertain about 8 people {or maybe 7 and a 3.75} and my seating options ran scanty. You see, we are a family of 2 and a rabbit. For us, there is more than enough in our loft and if it stays exactly the same way {just a bath tub added to this maybe} for the next 100 years, I will be more than happy to live it. But unfortunately life is not always about just two people! So I went our scoring for a couple of relaxed looking chairs to add to this wannabe beach house. After about an hour and 15, I came out with 2 rickety looking chairs {one with only 3 legs- this one} and about 400 bucks short. That’s less than $7.
What I really liked about this chair was its solid wood carved back rest. Look closely and you’ll find two tiny elephant head on either side of the back rest which was just too cute for me to not see. But then again it had 3 original legs and 1 refurbished one.
But then, I do love a primped up, worn out nice little chair now don’t I? So I let it be and got it home. The first step? A thorough coat of sanding with fine grit. It had a weird brown on it which is a good colour as show through but not on its own. Uh-huh- not now in this 21st century. Take a look at it’s before.
Clearly, I had to somehow save my derriere on the day of the event by wrapping the seat with a scarf but the original seat is even more- well lets say in the deep dark woods of the 90’s. Here is it!
Husband had given me a shirt to throw away, used up its back to upholster the seat. Take a look at the steps.
 Very simple, just pulled the fabric and tucked away. The seat sits in a frame hiding its hems, so I did not bother to put neat little tacks but I have a plan of attaching a band to the rim, which I will this weekend. That should take care of the creases. Note: Because I suck at sewing
Meanwhile, sanded the chair down to strip it of the existing colour and re-painted it with Asian Paints BR White this time, just a thin coat to let the patina show. No double coat here.
Assembled the entire thing on day 3 and there it is. Perfect for my coffee breaks.
Paint: $2
Chair: $3.5
Labour: $0
Upholstery: $0
Total: $5.5. That’s a win right?
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