How to add ribbons to your Christmas tree and a quick video to show you all how I do it! I am totally on the clock and I haven’t packed a single thing. I am also terribly sleep deprived because hey, mum cat kitten drama (more on my Instagram) and it helps that my flight is at 7 in the morning. Which means I have to wake up at 2. And people ask me why don’t I like to travel. Because it’s painful is why.
Anyway, let’s get on to the topic of our blog- the ribbons and the tree!
Oh, and also, had the funniest comment on our video yesterday. Someone said, “thanks for the enlightment. I have been wrapping my tree all over with a ribbon ever since”. I laughed so hard! Not because it was funny (it is actually) but I have been guilty of doing the same. And I always wondered why aren’t these ribbons never enough. Haha! Oh, to innocence!
So here’s how to add ribbons to Christmas tree
I have used wired ribbons from MerakiCards, you can use wired or non wired ribbons but make sure you have something to pinch the ends of the ribbons. Wire or pipe cleaners.
I also love plaid. But you can choose from a variety of ribbons- from solids to glittery printed ones!
I also suggest adding your ribbons last so you can fill out those gaps in your tree. Unless you are doing a heavy ribbon work in which case, your ribbons go first – after lights.
Alright, off now. Like I said, no time to sit and have a word with you. I fucking hate traveling.
Take care!