Hello ladies and gentlemen. We are gearing up full throttle and we have a christmas tree {finally} in our bedroom, all decked up and all. And while I sit here and look at twinkly lights and have my cup of Earl Grey, I coudn’t help but wonder what a whammer of a week this was. Remember that whole leap of faith thingy? I took it. Jesus Christ, I swear I am scared as a fly would a trap but I had to do it. Anyway, we will wait for January second week for our sob stories- for now, I am totally getting christmassy with our Christmas tree #1- a flocked 4 foot christmas tree that I scored locally.

Given the amount of queries I got for this Christmas tree, I thought I’ll jot down a bit of info, in case you guys are interested in getting one for yourselves. This tree belongs to the variety “German Snow” which is a kind of tree with downswept branches. Unlike the regular christmas tree which has bristle like scanty branches, this is a mixture of two very good quality leaves- a) Pine. Which is like a bottle brush. b) Cedar. Which has these really nice leafy, flat structure. The over all appearance is that of a snow clad spruce or fir, is super super full and the branches start right from the base.

Honestly, once you have laid your hands on this, you are not going back to the scrawny trees we get here. And if you keep it well, they will last you ages so in the end you can justify the cost too.

For a 4 feet tree, it costed me 4900 and it’s worth every bit of the penny. You get this chistmas tree in APMC Market, Vashi in a store called A-mart. Get to the main market and look for “Saras” stationery. Ask them and they’ll guide you. Also, it’s got these real nifty pine cones attached which you can place according to your liking. Also hides wires really well.

Where can you find a Flocked christmas tree online
Here are some places I found a flocked tree but I cannot guarantee it’s going to be good or the same because I didn’t personally use them. Buy at your risk though they look quite good to me
Amazon. You’ll get a flocked christmas tree in here but the needles are only pine. Not cedar or fir. You can check it out here

Trinity Christmas Trees. They are online shop selling premium christmas trees and they have snow pine. You can see how it looks below and find it here
Santastores.in. You’ll get snow kissed spruce here and it looks lovely. Again, this is spruce so the texture is slightly different! You can buy here

There are also ways to flock your own tree, about which I will tell you in another post because frankly my finger tips are sorta numb. I have written so much today that I can barely feel my fingers. But then again, this is the sweetest pain you’ll ever have. Like playing mad guitar or working out like a bull. You know this pain means something. And in my case, it’s a whole lot of words about Christmas and christmas trees in general so imagine how lovely I might be feeling
So there you have it. All you ever want to know about my #1 christmas tree and how you can achieve the look yourself. Bye for now. We are having pav bhaji which needs overseeing and my tea is cold as iced chai latte. Definitely something that’ll not please Pramila given I have asked her to heat it once already!
Have a beautiful evening y’all! Great times are ahead.