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Beach inspired decor & seasonal flowers for the new home!

IMG_0253So ya…Welcome! Out and out from my tiny apartment by the creek and perched high near the hills with a view now. Do I miss the creek? I do. Am i happier? I of course am. Closer to hills, feels like home.

I wake up these days, make a cup of tea, read some magazine in the terrace as the sun rises beyond the hills, send the husband to office and smile at the good life.


The cot has been placed, the flowers are in, the stripes are in- a beachy home is in the making- again!


Took out this bottle from inside the storage after ages. I made that from a plain bottle and a bit of yellow pop goes beautiful with the beachy hues. No?

IMG_0254This is the time when flowers bloom. But this is also the time when they are very expensive. I shelled out a good 4$ for these and the lotus but what the heck- who cares.

IMG_0236I love lotuses. If you happen to find one at yours try smelling them. They smell so good! And oh, look at its rich hues and beautiful petals. In my country, if you have beautiful eyes, they call you “kamal nayan”. Which means you got eyes like lotus! I don’t have them. Mine are more like a royal bengal tiger.

IMG_0246So much to do and so, very little photos.

I’ll be coming up with easy barbecue recipes soon- I have hot new lover 😉

Till then, toodles.

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