My very generous, very lovable would be husband thought of ever so kindly giving away his DSLR to this little girl in the sunny apartment and I think it was the best decision he’s ever made. I am absolutely loving what I am getting from it. I am excited and I want to scream my heart out.
I was taking photographs with the Canon SX130 by far, and it is a brilliant camera for its price. But comeon, you can’t beat the DSLR can you when you are looking for details in your food photography? Who knew this inedible beetroot could look so good. I think I’ll make a beetroot and rocket salad just for the heck of it.
Pardon my feet, will you? They just wander about anywhere.
I tried the 18-mm yesterday and I thought it was cool. I had to try the 50mm to seriously understand what’s cool. Pardon my lingo, that’s how we talk in India. We’re cool.
I have a girl to do the chores for me. She found this really funny when I asked her to stand still with a small dahlia in her hand. I should have captured her face! She also asked me if I wanted some more coffee.. She thought I’ve gone nuts.
I have. This lens is a must buy and what a great time to come- a friend of mine and me are coming up with a dedicated food & food photography blog. *Excited*
What lens do you use? Tips and tricks? Fill me in.