Wussup Trumatter’s ladies and gentlemen. How be you? We found mason jars and bought flowers, and styled it too, {I am really killing the sentence with too many ands [insert third bracket] sentence nazis will hate me for this} and we think its looking really nice. So, yeah if you like sunny windows and a bit of fairylights with your morning coffee or afternoon wine, you’ve found a good place to spend sometime! Hop on

Bokeh-2I styled the Mason jar in 3 different styles- you know just playing around a bit with colours and occasion: the first being classic Aqua, pink and white- which is a classic combination. The second is a little more tried and tested- a bunch of white Dahlias, and the third being a bit bold for this space- a combination of orange, yellow and white big Gerberas with aqua.

Trumatter-Mason-4I wanted to get in the festive look {Yes, this is the onset of festive season in India} but also wanted to punch in the relaxed vibe that my house is known for. A lime green throw, some crochet and a couple of vintage books quite did the trick. It complements the big bold colours perfectly!

Note: This can totally pass of as a centerpiece. For a super quick centerpiece, group flowers in a pretty vase and keep it atop a couple of stacked books.


a) Try and match the colour of the books to the theme of your room or contrast that with your flowers. For example, if my home is white, my books should be white with a contrasting flower arrangement of top.

b) Think colours first and then elements for a picture perfect home.



The simplest and the safest style is to stick in some white flowers with aqua. They will be foolproof and would pep up any corner, irrespective of the theme of your house. And yes, you can use it for Indian-Ethnic too with a couple of marigold and brass figurines 😉

Trumatter_FlowersI personally enjoyed styling the mason jar with pink and white flowers- well that’s just predictable. What I want to ask y’all is which one is your favorite among the lot? Which style would you go with?

A short and simple blogpost at your perusal; the girl says goodbye from a very, very hot living room. Friday night is here, which means its Chinese, whiskey and movie night. Off and peep.

Rukmini XO

4 thoughts on “Trumatter Mason Jar And Flowers & Styling Tips”

  1. I’m surprising myself by liking the third, bold one. Maybe that’s because it’s a cold, gray day here and the pop of colour is so cheerful.

    1. Well ofcourse! Given the weather…overall the arrangement is warm and not cool. Seriously, trade homes with me..or the garden shed :p how i wish it was a cold October here 🙁

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