Ah welcome to another whitewashed post: A bedroom reveal, crisp white bed-spreads, no laundry and some pretty flowers that just about makes this girl’s day.

I spoke a lot on my earlier post as to how to live stylish on a rented apartment and I wont bore you with any of those details, no more. There is just one bit though I’d really love to share with you all. I love my dressing table different. I love them simple, minimal, white with a touch of nautical and I love too many mirrors. I think one can never overdo with mirrors. The more the better. The vintage the better. So, when my husband asked me why there were two mirrors above the dresser- my answer was simple: you won’t get it 😉

IMG_1220I also love a fresh flower or two in my house, almost all the time. Nothing beats a bunch of fresh fluffy snow white flowers, specially in a household where broomstick days are quite normal. I am witch working with 6 hands from 7 in the morning till I get to work where I need to take out another 2 hands that stays in reserve. yes, white flowers. Definitely a must have.

IMG_1183Tried a bit of color with my cosmetic heebeejeebees. Didn’t like it. Went back to picture one 😀

IMG_1224Also, here’s another look at my hall.

IMG_1206250 words it will be for this post and no more till I come to my kitchen, the worries and a bit of organization talk.

Till then, adieu.

roy XO

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