Hello ladies and gentlemen.
I kinda have something off the topic to show you today but not uninteresting at all. Infact this is something we’ll all like considering its the blog headers I’m talking about!
An easy tutorial on how to make your own blog header. Would you like that?
I have a couple of Blog headers to show you that I made from some old photographs today!
Tell you what, it was fun!
My Tool is photoshop CS5. So, this will hold true only if you have photoshop
Let’s start then
First go to Dashboard—>Appearance–>Headers and see the size of the image that you’ll need to put up. In my case it was 885 x 252 Pixels.
Next, open your photoshop and on the left top corner, find “File”
Click on “New” and paste the pixels in the pixel bar
You will see a patch of white canvas open on the window
Now, drag your photographs one by one and place it on top of the blank canvas
Once you ave placed the photograph you will see adjustable frame around it. Hold SHIFT + LEFT mouse to resize it according to the size you want to be fixed.
You can also not press shift but pressing shift reduces or increases the size of the picture in proportion. Without shift you might just find it a little too elongated or fat. DO IT.
Once you are satisfied with the size, position your image with the help of move tool
You can see the move tool, top right.
I’ll also tell you a little about the marquee tool. It’s basically used to cut a portion from the image. But more on this later.
1. Always keep the layers open: Go to windows on the photoshop menu and click layers from the drop down or you can use F7
2. In case you need to choose a layer (a particular photograph), move your “Move” tool on top of that image, click and drag. If you want to adjust its size, CTRL + T. You will see the parameter appearing.
Just keep adding photographs till you are satisfied.
Now, press CTRL + S and save your file in either .png or .jpg.
.png becomes a bit heavy though!
All gibberish or no?
Let me know if you’d like it more detailed
If anyone’s trying this, positively leave me a comment 🙂
these are gorgeous! i always relied on picnik, and now it’s picmonkey for me (not that i’m changing my header anytime soon, i think there would be furor across the land!).
i know there are many folks who will delight in this tutorial!
Thank you Michele 🙂 Haha, yes, I love Picmonkey too! But somehow photoshop feels good in my hand. Did that sound right?
I really do want to try this so I guess I first have to get photoshop?
Tammy yes. You’ll need photoshop for this. You can download it from a trusted source. Or, if you want, I can make it for you 🙂 If you want a gif, I’ll take a day, if you want a plain image, I’ll take about 30 minutes. Will be happy to should you choose.