Here are my other set of clay birds- clay and latex paint + very little distressing. Well, what about  my previous set? They flew away before my cam returned from Singapore. Come on, how long do you expect me to beg them stay. Haughty lil birds. Lol. These guys are a part of my breakfast table now: believe me, some white linen, some fresh spray and a couple of jam jars with tealight candles. You’re good to go to have a brilliant weekend. And now the tags.

P.S: This is my first time with tags and this is paper clay not polymer clay. I just wanted to play around a lil bit and I hope you will forgive the lil screw ups that might have happened.

I’ve been on to some clay tags lately. You know the idea of stamping seemed perfect but somehow hand painting it appealed to me a bit more than the former. So I retained its crude shape, hand painted them and gave them two coats of clar varnish.

This would obviously go on my Christmas tree!

Ya, and this too. A very stripey Christmas we are gonna have!

These clay tags are very very simple to make and actually quite interesting. And I guess the result is one step below the effort, which counts more.

I’ve had fun, R is back and I’m so happy. Have a funfilled and creative weekend.


Category : DIY

16 thoughts on “Clay birds & Clay tags: Handmade and hand painted”

    1. Thanks Michele. I say my cam was a good buy ;P The tags were a first time try, so I am forgiving myself for any screw up that might have happened.

  1. YOur birds are so sweet, a cage may be necessary to keep these home! You have me trying to remember where I stored my paper clay, I love that stuff! Thanks, t.xoxoxo

  2. How busy you have been since I have been away! These are lovely. I have a little kit of paper clay but have never used it. Maybe I should get it out…. 🙂

    1. 🙂 Well, I have been busy, yes, but at least not as busy as you I guess. You were in Ireland!! And I so missed you.
      I am very intrigued about the Google colored thing in your blog and curious too!

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