
Wowza! long time huh?

As a matter of fact its been so long that i actually forgot how this back-end of wordpress looks. I logged in and wondered where’s what. Me be blogging often I tell you or I might just forget of this little property of mine altogether.

So much has happened in the past few weeks that I’d need a post or two to get it all to you. But to start off with, I started this little patch of garden in my rickety ‘verandah’, in my tiny-weeny apartment, in a space that’ll put you to shame. This is container gardening at its best!

Again, before jumping on to my prized plants and their requirements and why I chose them- there are two things you’d need to keep as center-point

1. How much sunlight does your veranda/apartment gets

2. How much effort are you ready to put in


Depending on the above two points, your apartment garden would have to flourish. I am not very pro-active in nature and I am not the kind who’d put so much effort, hence, the choices-

Heirloom Roses

Roses do great in containers as long as you have abundant sunlight (for atleast 5 hours a day) and a container with good drainage. Another thing to pay heed to- because roses have deep roots, its best for you to go for a tall container.

What kind of soil

Plant boys at this awesome Nursery (yes, this is my husband’s find) told me Roses love Loam. Loam is basically 50% soil and 50% air. The soil should contain silt, clay and sand too. Thankfully, the soil around in here is similar.

What kind of container

Fiberglass, clay, ceramic or even cheap plastic will do. I say Ceramic because it works for permanent planting.



Now, you see its my climate that made me choose these. Succulents like the dry humidity and warm conditions and of course like direct light. They all prefer a fast-draining potting that’s not watered too often. Perfect for a clime like Mumbai’s and a girl like me.

What kind of soil

Succulents love soil that doesn’t retain water. A sandy mix is perfect.

What kind of container

Go for clay/terracotta. Clay dries out really quick giving your succulent that perfect atmosphere to grow in.


Here they are, inside my home and growing.


Kaffir Lime

These small citrus trees are native to Indonesia and as you all know, are used in various south eastern Asian dishes- count Thai curry, salads, fish marination and so on! In natural habitat, it can reach a height of 25 ft. But in containers, it wouldn’t exceed 10 ft. in total.

One thing that one must know about these fragrant, citrus trees is that it enjoys hot & humid climate and full sunlight. Without these conditions, the blossom will be scanty and therefore fruit.

What kind of soil

Like all citrus trees they thrive in rich, loamy soil conditions which, should also be well drained. If you are growing it in a container, a mixture of peat moss, sand and loam is perfect. Ask your local plant guys to do it for you

What kind of container

Again, Terracotta would be your choice or clay. They also grow well in Ceramic. Avoid plastic altogether.


Good huh?


Garlic Chives or Chinese Chives

Chives prefer full sun but plants also grow in partial shade, FYI. Again, the plant boys told me, if you want more leaves, pinch out the flowers 🙂

What kind of soil

A fertile, well-drained soil is more than alright to grow chives. Any soil that’s not very acidic would do

What kind of container

A container 6-8 inches wide and at least 6-12 inches deep is more than enough for your chives to grow. I got them as small sapling and I have no clue how you can grow it from seeds.



Carambola or Star Fruit

I really don’t like this fruit but my husband does. He loves it so much that I had to go all the way to a filthy nursery full of mosquitoes and smelly dogs to get this entire plant in! But look what I found below the tree this morning! Yup- a ruddy good carambola. Though not ripe and possibly have met its end before its time, thanks to the little sparrows who visit my garden every morning but nonetheless! Fruit of my labour, it is!

What kind of soil

You see, these are made to thrive in a tropical or sub-tropical region and hence any well drained soil is good for them. Make sure the soil holds water for no more than 30 minutes. Note: These trees are not frost and drought resistant- if grown in colder climes, during winters its best that you keep it indoors.

What kind of container

Any container with depth would do well… half a hand is what i have grown mine in!



Now, who wouldn’t know of Basil right! Best part is, it is also very forgiving. Whether you plant from seeds or a starter plant- they will grow. Of course, they won’t stand frost but if you grow them in summers

What kind of soil

If you are growing Basil in containers like I am, the container needs good drainage hole. A well watered, fertile soil with little or no sand works good for Basil.

What kind of container

Ah, anything, really… even a little ceramic holder will do!


And that my friends marks the end of my little apartment garden. If anyone’s benefited from this, come and leave me a message. And of course, suggestions and feedback are welcome too!


From the lady from the tropics.

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make it pretty monday


My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia – Tuesday’s Treasures
Coastal Charm – Nifty Thrifty


Wow us wednesdays- savvy southern style


Beyond the Picket Fence

From My Front Porch To Yours – Treasure Hunt Thursday


The Shabby Nest – Frugal Friday

Show and Tell Friday



7 thoughts on “Small Space & Apartment Gardening, Challenges and Options”

    1. 🙂 Thank you. I Feel great when I look at them, you know, all grown and fruiting… tonight, in thai curry i’ll use home grown kaffir lime. How satisfying.

  1. ahhhhh, the citrus tree! what i wouldn’t give to be able to grow one. tried but no cigar. i have grown basil, parsley, rosemary, and thyme in containers this year though. so gratifying to cook with homegrown herbs! bravo on yer growing skillz!


    1. citrus prefers hot, humid and a tropical climate 🙁 They are very hard to grow in colder climes…but you can grow it indoors in a heated place I guess…

  2. You are very good matching your compost to the neess of each plant. I just buy a multi-purpose one and shove them all in it! Your little garden is looking beautiful.

    1. Oh, I used to just put tea leaves thats all but these plant boys told me to do so… its working actually! BTW, shifting to another place again. Phew…tired now!

  3. Really pretty, Rukmini! All your plants look so good.
    Recall my basil sink? Only one plant survived, but I’ve picked leaves off of it all summer, and even have a baggy full in the freezer for winter salads and pizza.

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